Every story knows its teller,

every story knows its time.

Every story knows its teller,

yours and mine,

knows its place and time.


                                                              —Malika Ndlovu

Poet, Performer & Creative Applied Arts Facilitator

throughout my 20-year writing career, I came to learn that the stories I wrote, chose me as much as I chose them. as a journalist in my early 20s, and then, as a poet & performer working across a range of arts discplines, I experienced how each story I worked with, impacted me in the process of writing it, as musch as it impacted the people who received it.

these experiences taught me that the call to create is also the call to become who we truly are. my 1:1 Writing Mentorship programme is rooted in this understanding –I support writers in the journey of creating their writing project and the journey of transformation and becoming that writing project will ask them to make. 

I offer deep, slow accompaniment for your writing process; supporting you to listen to your inner knowing, and to the story itself. I believe in being present to journey of creation, not just the end goal. rushing to external deadlines often leaves us breathless, burnt out, and disconnected. if we write and create from this energy, our work will carry this same energy into the world.

we slow down. we work with and through the body. we connect with the earth and its seasons. we listen

my aim is to support you to develop a writing practice that is true to who you are as a person: true to your values, your body’s needs and rhythm, and the other responsibilities & commitments in your life.

MAIN IMAGE:  Sixteen Miles Out /unsplash

 IMAGE:  Shelby Miller/unsplash

the process

a 6-month or 9-month commitment (depending on what you are needing)

🖋 2 x 90-minute sessions per month
🖋 individualised creative practies
🖋 reading & feedback on writing
🖋 support for the emotional blocks or issues that may arise through the process
🖋 support to deeply listen to the story you are writing & learning how to let it guide you
🖋 guidance around the technical & practical aspects of writing craft
🖋 developing a consistent writing practice

writing mentorship clients, also receive

🌺 free access to the next round of The Writer’s Oasis [valued at R3,600]
🌺 free access to the entire Poetic Turns workshop series  [valued at R1,600}
🌺 complimentary 12-month paid subscription to my Substack blog [valued at R1,200]

who is this for?

my work is for people who are ready and willing to undertake the inner journey, of transformation and becoming, that writing may ask of you

it is for people who are looking for an holistic approach to writing, where the inner world of the writer is nurtured, as much as the writing project 

I support your emotional and/or spiritual journey, while also providing guidance around the practical side of writing, & the technical aspects of craft

my work is rooted in the body, and the earth: I support you to learn into the natural cycles and seasons of life, and your body's innate rhythm, to develop writing a practice that is sustainable, and ultimately nourishing and good for you. this will directly feed your writing project.

