What I'm Doing Now

(this is a now page – a  movement started by Derek Sivers)

Updated July 17, 2024 from Cape Town, South Africa

writing a speculative fiction novel-in-poems

this is my big creative goal and focus right now, and I absolutely love it. I am creating new poetry forms based on Cape Jazz music rhythms; world-building; character development and figuring out all the details of this multi-world, multi-book narrative. my inner geek/inner child is so utterly happy when I am lost in writing and working on the book. for a taste, you can read two poems from the book in Poetry Magazinelisten to my interview with Esther Belin on the Poetry Magazine Podcast.

slow sensual creativity

writing this book has been a journey to say the least. in the past few years my life has changed considerably after I slowed down, and simplified to prioritise my own writing. in the past few months, I felt another call to a more embodied way of writing, which I call slow sensual creativity. I created a Substack blog where I share weekly reflections on my experiences and what I am learning. you can find it here.

online writing courses at The Firefly Garden

in September 2023, I launched my new business, The Firefly Garden, whose aim is to grow writers, who grow words that grow light. words and stories are powerful things in our world. the words we speak, become the stories we tell. the stories we tell ourselves become the lives we live.

in The Firefly Garden, my aim is to create courses, workshops and private mentorship programmes that support writers to connect deeply with their own inner knowing & wisdom; to write from a place of deep connection to their bodies and the earth, following the natural cycles and seasons of life.

every story has the potential to be a light in the dark, guiding someone to their truth. and every writer, is a firefly, who must be strong enough to fly and flicker in the dark, so their stories can do the work they came to do in the world. you can read about all courses and offerings here

I am still open to doing once-off workshops for universities, schools, or other groups, so do get in touch if you would like to work with me in this way.

on a break from performances and live readings

in May 2022, I chose to take an indefinite break from performing, live readings & talks, both in person and online. my body asked for rest, so I listened. until further notice, I am not doing any performances, readings, panel discussions, or public talks.

slow | simple | ease

I have slowed down and simplified my life completely. my days are filled with reading, writing, practising flute, walking, time in nature and time with the people I love. I am learning how to truly Love and care for myself, rather than looking for my self-worth and validation in my work. I am still learning to be present: less time on my phone and more time actually being in the room. saying Yes! to what I love, desire, and dream of.
